Monday, October 09, 2006


Motherly Smile

今天有人結婚,路上車子吧吧叫。喜事真叫人高興!Actually this sketch reminds of my mother. She once had a smile like this. We had a family party once, and after all the guests had arrived and were all settled in, eating away, I saw my mother across the living room, and she had this serene kind of look on her, like she’s pleased. She’s pleased with what she had done today, everyone seemed alright with themselves and are chatting away. She’s pleased she’s a decent host.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Catherine,

Finally, I've got to view your blog, very pretty pictures. You should post more. I like the sketech very much as it's very similar to Mafada(瑪法達) which I am stilly trying to locate where I can buy a book.

Do keep me posted.

I still can't open from the website you gave, but found it through search function in Blogger.

Perhaps you have to find where it is exactly so that you can send it to more people who're using PC.


6:51 PM  
Blogger sweetwatermelon said...

dear may
thnak you for your reminder. :)

9:43 AM  

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